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Jack's Journey


  1. What lessons have you learned while going through your research journey?

I’ve learned the importance of staying on top of things, dividing my work into smaller projects that I’m more capable of tackling, and relying on the help and advice of others to get through stressful times.  Even though research projects are spearheaded by individuals, being surrounded by people who are going through similar things gives encouragement.


2. What would  you tell someone who is going on this journey?

Keep your head up!  Even though the journey is difficult, once you get to the finish line, it’ll be the journey that you take with you.  Not only that, stressful experiences are often times the experiences that we learn the most from - as such, don’t be afraid to ride the wave.  Also, make sure that you’re keeping in mind that you will have to balance research with other things; use good time management!


3. How did your personal choices impact your situation?

A lot of the work in research is getting data which takes a lot more time than you think it will.  It’s not even the actual data, it’s the process of getting it that’s difficult.  There will be way more work that has to go in before you’re ever able to collect points.  Make sure that you’ve built in plenty of time to get this done.


4. What other situations can you apply your learning to?

The lessons I’ve learned so far on this journey are applicable to almost everything I do - obviously, the day-to-day things don’t require much of the same things as research, but the lessons are applicable: time management, work division, and confidence are all important facets of daily life.

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