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My Budget

Mrs. Maylath helped us create a budget that gave us a reality check for what life may look like when we graduate college.  Money habitudes is essentially understanding that the way we approach money can influence whether we use it wisely or not.  This decision has a huge impact in our lives.


My budget:

Food: $225

Debt: $133

Utilities: $65

Room: $835/4 = $207

Cell phone = $90

Fun: $10

Clothes: $25

Needs: $25


TOTAL, per month: $790

Yearly: $11,200


This fits perfectly into my expected income of $12,000 as a graduated student from college.  Obviously, this was a reality check - the income of a post-graduate is much less than the income of my dream job, a doctor.  Preparing to live with little means will be important because for a while, it may be a stressor in my life until I can attain a better job.

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